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If the holes of the tea strainer get blocked, then do this remedy, the blackened strainer will get cleaned immediately in 1 minute without rubbing

If the utensils and other items kept in the house are not cleaned properly, then they start getting spoiled. The same happens with the tea strainer. The holes start getting closed after using the tea strainer for a long time. This causes difficulty in filtering anything. Although you can clean the strainer by rubbing it or with a brush. But today we are telling you a fun trick by which you can clean the tea block strainer in just 1 minute without rubbing or scrubbing. Know how.

TIARA MAX No.5 Juice Stainless Steel Soup Strainer Food Grade Mesh 13cm  Diameter Strainer

Method of cleaning tea strainer
First step- Take the steel tea strainer that you use at home and then turn on the gas and place it directly on the gas with the mesh side. In just 1 minute, all the tea leaves deposited in the holes will burn. As soon as smoke starts coming out of the strainer and you feel that the mesh of the strainer is turning light red, turn off the gas. When the strainer cools down, clean it with the help of a normal toothbrush.

Second step- Apply dish soap on the brush and clean the holes of the strainer with it. All the dirt will come out in 1 minute and the strainer will become completely clean. Sometimes the strainer turns black due to burning, so clean it immediately with the help of a scrubber. Your tea strainer will become as new as possible and nothing will get stuck in it when filtered. Keep in mind that you have to clean only the steel strainer in this way.

Other ways to clean the strainer
Soak the tea strainer in a solution of lemon, vinegar and baking soda for some time. This will remove the dirt stuck in the holes. Now clean it with a steel rag after some time. Clean the mesh of the strainer with the help of a toothbrush. In this way, you must clean the strainer once a week. In this way you can also clean the plastic sieve.