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Protein-rich green moong salad is a perfect option for dinner, healthy as well as tasty, know how to make it?

Eating healthy and light food at night keeps the body healthy and diseases stay away from you. If you are overweight or you are very conscious about fitness, then moong salad is a great option for dinner, it is light as well as healthy. Including moong sprouts (sprouts salad recipe) in the diet also reduces weight easily and heart health is also excellent. That is, this moong rich in nutrients not only reduces weight but also has many other health benefits. Therefore, you can consume moong (Moong Salad) in dinner at night. So, let’s know how to make moong salad?

Ingredients for making Moong Salad:

1 cup sprouted moong, half chopped cucumber, half chopped carrot, medium sized chopped onion, 1 tomato, 1/2 pomegranate, 1 teaspoon salt, 1 tablespoon black pepper

Healthy sprouts salad recipe: 9 health benefits with nutritional  Information | Food Drink News - News9live

How to make Moong Salad:

First step: To make green moong salad, first soak the moong for 7 to 8 hours. After the stipulated time, filter the moong and take it out of the water.

Second step: Now turn on the gas and put 2 glasses of water in a big vessel and then moong in it. Boil the moong well. When the moong boils, turn off the gas.

Third step: Now filter the moong and keep it in a big vessel, in this you add half chopped cucumber, half chopped carrot, medium sized chopped onion, 1 tomato, 1/2 pomegranate and mix well.

Fourth step: Now, add salt to taste and half a teaspoon of black pepper and mix well. Your protein-rich salad is ready. Now take it out in a bowl and eat it.