Stepmother left 5-year-old child in car for 7 hours, when she came to take him back he had already died

You must have read and heard many such news that parents left their child in the car and went away due to which he died. One such case has come to light from America. Where a woman left her 5-year-old step-son in the car for 7 hours and went away. Due to which the child died. Police have arrested the stepmother in the case.

The car had heated up due to heat
According to ABC News, 40-year-old Juanita Pinan works in a beauty parlor in Omaha, America. One day the woman brought her 5-year-old son Dionisio Perez with her. She parked her SUV in the parking lot and left her son in it and went to the beauty parlor. The child sat in the car for about 7 hours. Due to the scorching heat, the car in which the child was sitting had become very hot. When the stepmother returned, she saw that her child had high fever. She admitted her child to a nearby hospital, where the doctor declared him dead. Doctors say that the child’s body temperature reached 105 degrees, which led to his death.

Police arrested the woman

5-year-old boy dies after being left in a car for hours

In this case, the police have arrested the stepmother. The woman has been charged with child abuse. For which she has to pay a bond of $ 2 million. Her next court appearance will be on August 16. According to the New York Post report, the woman also had five other children in her care. If she is found guilty in this case, she can be sentenced to 20 years in prison. However, it is not yet clear whether the child’s death was an accident or intentional. The stepmother also has a criminal history. She was found guilty in 2016 in a case of fraud and theft.

Father trying for custody of daughter after son’s death

After the child’s death, his father Pablo Lopez said that my son lived with him and we were assured that he was in safe hands. The child’s father, Pablo Lopez, runs a concrete business. After losing his son, Pablo Lopez is trying to get custody of Perez’s twin sisters.