Why are weapons so easily available in America, know how gun culture has taken the lives of millions of people

America Gun Culture: Firing incidents are common in America. Often news of firing keeps coming from here. But, what happened on Saturday shook the whole world. Former US President Donald Trump was attacked in an election rally in Pennsylvania. In the attack, the bullet grazed the upper part of Trump’s right ear. Trump’s life was saved in this attack but the debate about gun culture in America has definitely intensified. According to media reports, this gun culture has taken the lives of more than 15 lakh Americans in the last 50 years. Even today it is very easy to buy weapons in many states of America. So let us tell you what this gun culture is and how weapons are easily available in America.

At 'L.A. Progressive Shooters,' a gun space for shooters sick of American  gun culture - Los Angeles Times

What is gun culture?

In fact, for the past several decades, common people in America have committed violent incidents. People are constantly losing their lives in these attacks. This has been named ‘gun culture’ in America. Now let’s talk about the future. It is not that steps were never taken to crack down on this gun culture. To stop this, President Joe Biden also signed a bill in June 2022. In this law, it was planned to check the records of gun buyers, take back weapons and run many other programs. However, the situation has not changed. While signing this bill, Biden had said, ‘This law will help a lot in saving people’s lives.’ How big this problem is can be gauged from the deadly attack on former US President Donald Trump.

How weapons are within the reach of common people
It is also worth noting that gun violence is the most serious and biggest problem in America. Cases of violence related to gun culture are very common and quite high here. In the year 1791, the Second Amendment to the US Constitution came into force, under which American citizens were given the right to bear arms. Since then, it has become very easy to buy weapons and the common people have access to weapons very easily.