
Poverty… inflation and starvation, this is the condition of Pakistan; know why it is still wasting its wealth on bombs and ammunition

Pakistan Defense Budget: Pakistan is standing on the verge of poverty. There are starvation like conditions and inflation is at its peak. The prices of food items are skyrocketing. Flour is being sold at Rs 800 per kg and the price of milk has reached Rs 300 per liter. In such a situation, an old incident comes to mind when Zulfikar Ali Bhutto used to be the foreign minister in Pakistan. He had said in a meeting that ‘Pakistanis will eat grass, stay hungry, but will definitely make nuclear bombs. Today the Pakistani people must be understanding the meaning of what he said. Today Pakistan is realizing the price of flour, pulses and rice.

Defense budget is increasing
This is the real truth of Pakistan but this country itself is not able to understand this. There is a reason behind saying this and the reason is that despite rampant inflation, Pakistan’s defense budget is increasing. According to experts, this can also be a sign of some new danger. The thing to be seen is that recently Pakistan has increased its defense budget by 15 percent, which is usually quite high. Pakistan has increased its defense sector by 15 percent in its total budget of Rs 18,877 billion. This year Pakistan’s defense budget has become Rs 2122 billion.

Nearly half of Pakistan is now under poverty line: World Banks new report  paints scathing portrait of the cash-strapped nation

What is Pakistan’s motive after all?

According to media reports, Pakistan wants to look stronger than India. Its mission is to harm India at any cost. In such a situation, it feels that even if its condition worsens on the economic front, it will leave no stone unturned in preparing for the war against India. This thinking of Pakistan has become fatal for it and the situation is going from bad to worse.

Pakistan is constantly asking for loan

Call it fear or competition from India, whatever you want, but this is the reason why Pakistan has increased its defense budget by 15 percent. Even though Pakistan has increased the defense budget, it is not ready to survive without loan. Pakistan has been repeatedly requesting money from the IMF to save its country from going bankrupt. Pakistani leaders have also been knocking on the doors of countries like China and Saudi Arabia with open hands. Regarding Pakistan, which is living in a state of starvation, it has already been said by the IMF that it will need funding of $ 123 billion during the next five years. It will be interesting to see where Pakistan will bring so much money from.

Report from Ground Zero: Insider's view on Pakistan's economic crisis - The  Week

Tremendous inflation in Pakistan

Recently a report came in the Pakistani newspaper Dawn. It was said in this report that Pakistan is facing tremendous inflation, the inflation rate has increased to 38 percent, which is the highest in South Asia. Food inflation rate has also reached 48 percent, which is the highest since 2016. Now, when inflation is at its peak and Pakistan should think about its people, try to reduce their troubles, it is ready to ignite bombs and gunpowder.

The story behind inflation

Pakistanis reeling under skyrocketing inflation as cash-strapped government  struggles to stabilise economy - The Hindu

There are many reasons behind the continuous rise in inflation in Pakistan. Rising debt and slow pace of economy can be considered as the basic reasons for inflation. It is also important to know that, while giving loan to Pakistan, International Monetary Fund had also put some conditions. One of these conditions included ending subsidy. Due to the condition, the government of Pakistan had to end subsidy. The effect of this was that from food items to basic necessities, things are getting expensive. Pakistan’s currency has also weakened by more than 50 percent, due to which imports have become expensive. Now in such a situation, it is not difficult to understand what is the condition of Pakistan. Anyway, the World Bank had said that the shock of the economy can push one crore people towards poverty, that too when about 10 crore population of Pakistan is already living in poverty.

Pakistan got ruined itself

Negotiations with India not possible until reversal of 'illegal action' on  occupied Kashmir, PMO clarifies - World - DAWN.COM
The condition of Pakistan today is such that 1 rupee of India is equal to 3 rupees of Pakistan. On the other hand, one taka of Bangladesh is more than 2.5 rupees of Pakistan. Nearly 10 crore population of Pakistan is living in poverty. There was a time in Pakistan when Hamid Gul, who was the head of Inter Services Intelligence (ISI), took forward the anti-India campaign. Unemployed youth were misled to adopt the path of Jihad by luring them to earn money. General Zia-ul-Haq and Hamid Gul decided the secret objective of Pakistan to destroy India, but the opposite happened. Pakistan has been ruined today by walking on that path.