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Put 5 leaves of this tree in water and take a bath, infection and many diseases will not affect you

Skin related problems increase rapidly in monsoon. Problems like itching, burning, rashes, ringworm, itching due to sweat bother people. To avoid these problems, put some neem leaves in water while bathing. There are many benefits of bathing with neem leaf water. Neem is cold in nature and has anti-fungal and antibacterial properties which help in removing skin related problems. Not only skin, it also removes many problems of eyes and hair. Know what are the benefits of bathing with neem water?

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Benefits of bathing with neem water
Boils and pimples are removed – Boils and pimples start appearing a lot during rainy days. Especially children get rashes after mosquito bites. Some people get rashes on the skin after insect bites. In such a situation, children should be bathed by adding neem leaves in water. Neem has natural antibacterial and antifungal properties that cure boils and pimples.

Acne will go away- Neem is considered effective in removing the problem of pimples. One can get rid of pimples and acne by bathing with neem water. This water brightens the face and also removes blemishes. Therefore, use neem water in this season.

Leaf spot diseases of trees and shrubs | UMN Extension

Dandruff will be reduced- Neem has antifungal properties that reduce the problems occurring on the scalp. People who have dandruff problem will benefit from washing hair with neem water. Using neem water can remove dandruff. It will also help in bringing shine to lifeless hair.

Sweat smell will go away- Bad smell coming from sweat can be removed by bathing with neem water. Neem water kills bacteria produced by sweat. This removes the smell coming from sweat.

Eliminate lice- Many times during the rainy season, lice are born due to dirt and sweat. If the head remains wet, this problem can arise. In such a situation, the problem of lice can be reduced by bathing and washing the head with neem water. If you want, you can apply a paste of neem leaves on the hair.