
Lakes, rivers and oceans… This satellite of Saturn is exactly like Earth, will life be found there?

Titan Saturn’s Moon: Saturn’s satellite ‘Titan’ is actually very similar to Earth. Scientists were surprised to see rivers, lakes and oceans there. Just like freshwater rivers and saltwater oceans exist on Earth, Titan also has them. However, water exists on Earth while ethane and methane gas exist in liquid form on Titan. The gas on Titan is in liquid state because the average temperature of its surface is about -179°C.

These features of Saturn’s moon Titan were discovered by researchers from Cornell University in New York. Valerio Poggiali and his team used a different radar technique which helped them detect the excess amount of ethane. This team has prepared a map of Titan’s structure and its oceans. Poggiali said, ‘The further north you go, the cleaner and purer the seas will be; the amount of methane in them will be more.’

For the new study, signals from Cassini’s radar were analyzed. These signals returned after reflecting from the surface of the lakes. These signals were received with the help of NASA’s antenna on Earth, called Deep Space Network.

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Wind-driven waves are rising from Titan’s rivers’

Poggiali said that the bottom surface of many rivers and mouths that feed the lakes is rough, which is the result of wind-driven waves. He said that this indicates active tides and currents that bring water to the lakes.

According to Poggiali, ‘If you are planning a mission in the future, then the activity on the surface of the seas becomes very important.’ Poggiali and his colleagues found that there was much more methane present in the rivers before they reached the lakes.