
There is a great connection between breakfast and heart… Eating breakfast at this time in the morning will not affect the health of the heart; know what research says?

We all know that our food habits and diet affect our health. Our body is formed according to the food we eat. For example, your heart is connected to breakfast in the morning. Let us tell you, the time at which you eat breakfast in the morning has a direct impact on your heart health. If you do not have breakfast at the right time in the morning, then it can spoil your heart health. We are not saying this, but this has come to light in a research. Not only this, the time of eating also affects our sleeping cycle, so let’s know at what time in the morning eating breakfast will be beneficial for your heart health?

Can Breakfast Help Protect the Heart New Study Says Yes

What does research say about breakfast?

The National Research Institute for Agriculture, Food and Environment (NRAE) has recently revealed in a research that if you have breakfast by 8 am, it will improve your heart health and also reduce the risk of heart diseases. On the other hand, if you have breakfast at 9 am, the risk of heart diseases starts increasing. According to experts, every hour of delay increases the risk of heart disease by 6 percent. The research also states that the risk of heart disease increases manifold in those who are having breakfast late in the morning or eating dinner late at night.

Breakfast Is Healthy but It's Ok to Skip

There should be this much time gap between breakfast and dinner

This study says that there should be a gap of at least 13 hours between breakfast in the morning and dinner at night. Having this much gap between meals reduces the risk of cerebrovascular diseases. According to this research, if you eat dinner early, then there is a good gap between breakfast and dinner. That is, eating food at the right time will not only keep you healthy but will also reduce the risk of heart diseases.