
Guava is no less than a boon for health, know the amazing benefits of this fruit full of medicinal properties

Health experts often recommend including guava in the diet. According to Ayurveda, by eating guava, you can protect yourself from many health problems. The elements found in guava can improve your overall health to a great extent. Let us know what benefits your health can get by eating guava according to Acharya Shri Balkrishna.

Get rid of cough and cold- If you want to get rid of the problem of cold and cold, then you should start eating guava early in the morning. Within just two to three days you will start seeing positive effects. Guava leaves can also prove to be effective in relieving cold and cough.

Amazing Health Benefits of Guava Fruit

Beneficial for heart health- If you want to keep your heart health strong, then you should make guava a part of your diet. Due to the elements found in guava, you can avoid falling prey to serious and life-threatening heart diseases.

Remove hemoglobin deficiency – If there is a deficiency of hemoglobin in your body, then you should start eating guava regularly. A good amount of iron is found in guava, which can prove to be effective in removing the deficiency of hemoglobin in your body.

15 Amazing Guava Benefits: Heart Healthy, Weight Loss Friendly and More -  NDTV Food

Improve gut health – For your information, let us tell you that guava can also prove to be very beneficial for your gut health. By consuming guava, you can get rid of all stomach related problems. To get rid of constipation, acidity and bloating, you can include guava in your breakfast.