Life Style

Hair fall has made your life miserable? Include fenugreek seeds in your routine to strengthen your hair

The problem of hair fall sometimes increases so much that people become victims of baldness. If you also want to save yourself from baldness, then treat your hair fall problem in time. To get rid of the problem of hair fall, you can make fenugreek seeds a part of your hair care routine. Let’s know about the right way to use fenugreek seeds.

Use coconut oil with fenugreek seeds like this

Home remedies for long hair: Try fenugreek seeds for healthy hair, fight  dandruff, protect scalp

To strengthen the roots of the hair, you have to heat fenugreek seeds well by adding them to coconut oil. Now leave this mixture to become lukewarm. You can see the positive effect by massaging the roots of your hair with this mixture. Believe me, by using fenugreek seeds in this way, you can eliminate your hair fall problem from the root.

You can use fenugreek paste

Protein rich fenugreek seeds help in strengthening your hair and preventing them from falling. For this, soak four spoons of fenugreek seeds in water overnight and then grind these soaked fenugreek seeds to make a paste. Apply this paste thoroughly on the hair. To get better results, leave this paste on the hair for half an hour and then wash the hair.

Use curd with fenugreek seeds like this

Fenugreek for Hair - How to Use Methi for Hair Fall @MyBeautyNaturally

To say goodbye to hair fall problem, you have to soak fenugreek seeds in water overnight. Get up the next morning and prepare a paste of it. Now you have to add curd to this paste as well. Apply this mixture on the scalp and hair and then wash the hair after about an hour. You will start seeing positive effects within just a few weeks