
So this is the real reason for neck-waist-back pain, spine problem will be solved by following Ayurvedic tips

When the intention is strong, eyes are on the target and there is passion to cross every limit, then success is definitely achieved. Yoga Guru Swami Ramdev is one such personality who fixes a target and gets involved in achieving it with full strength and the habit of yoga-pranayam helps him in this. You will be surprised to know that Swami Ramdev does not stop doing yoga wherever he is. Whereas there are crores of people in the world who keep complaining of back pain while going from home to office and from office to home and avoid doing yoga.

Back pain: Causes, treatments, and when to contact a specialist

According to the latest report of The Lancet Rheumatology, about 60 crore people in the world are suffering from back pain and the reason for this is bad posture, smoking habit, bad sleep and no physical activity. Due to such habits, disability is increasing in people and it is becoming difficult for people to get up and sit. While studies say that by reducing weight, adopting correct posture and regular workout, the problem of back pain can be reduced by 39%. Let us know from Yoga Guru Swami Ramdev what is the secret of his never-ending energy. Does he ever suffer from back pain? Does he ever fall ill?

Arthritis is a big problem for the youth

How To Keep Your Spine Healthy and Get Rid of Back Pain |
Sitting in one posture
Bad food
Excess weight
Vitamin D deficiency
Calcium deficiency
Avoidance is necessary to get rid of joint pain
Processed food
Gluten food
Excess sugar-salt
Need to be careful
Do not let weight increase
Avoid smoking
Keep posture correct
Make bones strong
Increase calcium in food
Drink 1 cup of milk
Drink apple cider vinegar

15 Home Remedies To Relieve Back Pain Naturally
Take cinnamon-honey in lukewarm water
Gastrointestinal pain will be relieved
Massage with lukewarm mustard oil
Tie a hot bandage on the place of pain
Add rock salt in lukewarm water and apply fomentation
People suffering from arthritis should not do such carelessness
Do not take tea-coffee
Do not eat tomatoes
Reduce sugar
Avoid eating fried food
Keep weight under control