
With these yogasanas, old back and joint pain will disappear, bones and muscles will become strong

Bone and joint pain is unbearable. Now not only the middle-aged but also the youth are falling prey to joint pain. Actually, today’s deteriorating life style, not doing exercise and wrong eating habits are making people victims of many diseases. The problem of joint pain at a young age is also one of these. To get rid of bone pain, people immediately take painkillers which is not right for health. In such a situation, include yoga in your life to get relief from the problem of back, shoulder and back pain. Apart from giving you relief from pain, yogasana also calms the mind. Let’s know which yogasanas are beneficial for joint pain

Try these yogasanas for joint pain:

Yoga for Back Pain: 10 Poses to Try, Why It Works, and More

Chakrasana: This yogasana can get rid of bone pain. To do this asana, lie down on your back and bend your knees. Place both your hands upside down behind your shoulders. Now take a deep breath and lift your chest upwards. Slowly bring your hands and feet closer so that your body becomes like a chakra. This asana makes the spine flexible and the body active.

Trikonasana: Doing this asana not only reduces joint pain but also strengthens the muscles. It also provides relief in back pain. To do this asana, keep a distance of 3-4 feet between the feet and stand straight. Turn the right foot outwards, raise the left hand and touch the ground with the right hand. The position of both hands should be straight.

6 yoga asanas to get relief from joint pain - ShwetYoga

Dolphin Plank: Dolphin Plank pose strengthens the bones of the spine. Doing this will give relief from joint pain. Place the elbows near your shoulders and rest your hands on the ground. After that, slowly take your feet back in parallel. You can do this asana for 20 to 30 seconds.

Ushtrasana: This yoga asana makes your back bone flexible and relieves joint and shoulder pain. Doing this asana also provides relief from lower back pain.