
Iron deficiency will be fulfilled when you include these vegetable juices in the diet, hemoglobin level will increase rapidly

Iron is an essential element for our body and its deficiency can cause many serious diseases. Iron is considered an essential component of hemoglobin. Red blood cells carry oxygen to the body and iron is needed to make them. Due to low iron, the level of oxygen in the brain decreases and headache, dizziness and weakness occur. Iron deficiency affects both men and women in equal amounts. However, it is a serious concern for women as they lose iron through blood loss during menstruation. According to the National Family Health Survey, about 50% of Indian women are deficient in iron. Today we are going to tell you about such juices, with the help of which iron deficiency in the body can be fulfilled.

5 Drinks to Boost your Hemoglobin Levels

To increase hemoglobin, people suffering from anemia should consume 100-200 mg of iron daily. This is much more than the iron obtained from a meal. Therefore, doctors usually recommend iron supplements or elemental iron to treat anemia. However, you can increase your iron levels by consuming beverages.

Consume these juices to increase iron:

Prune juice: Prune juice fulfills the iron deficiency in the body. Let us tell you that one cup of plum juice contains 2.8 mg of iron, which is 17% of the daily requirement. Apart from being rich in iron, its juice helps in increasing energy. Apart from this, consuming prunes is healthy for people with diabetes as it does not cause a spike in blood sugar. It also helps prevent stomach problems like constipation.

Treatment Options For Anemia: 4 Foods That Are High In Iron - ReNue Rx

Beetroot juice: Beetroot is rich in many essential nutrients like folate, manganese, potassium, iron, betaine and vitamin C. Additionally, it improves oxygen absorption in red blood cells. Studies show that regular consumption of beetroot juice can actually improve hemoglobin levels. As a result, it increases the supply of oxygen in the body. One hundred grams of beetroot contains 0.8 milligrams of iron.

Spinach juice: Spinach contains iron. You may not like its taste very much, but it is very beneficial. To improve its taste, things like coconut, cashews can also be added to it.