
If you are also overweight then jumping exercise can be dangerous; Know which workout should overweight people do?

These days people are becoming victims of obesity very fast. Once your weight increases, it does not reduce at all. In such a situation, people rush to the gym to reduce obesity. But if the weight is too much, then doing some exercises in the gym can be heavy for your body. For example, jumping exercises, squats or burpees when you are overweight can cause many knee-related problems and injuries.

People are not aware of this and people start doing difficult exercises to lose weight as quickly as possible. In such a situation, their weight does not reduce but other problems start in the body. So, to avoid facing such problems, include these exercises in your lifestyle so that the weight is also reduced and there is no injury in the body. So, let’s know which workout is better for you?

Do these 5 jumping exercises daily for 20 minutes and lose 2 kilos in a  week | HealthShots

Include these exercises in your daily routine:

Box Squat: Instead of deep squat, do box squat. If you are overweight, then doing normal squat can cause sprain in your legs. To avoid this, do box squat. In box squat, keep a big box behind your hip and when you bend, keep your hip on the box. This will work out and will not cause any kind of injury.

Dumbbell Swing: In your daily routine, do dumbbell swing instead of sumo squat. Doing this will not cause any kind of cramp in your hands or around your waist. To do dumbbell swing, take 2 weighted dumbbells in your hands. Hold the dumbbells tightly in your hand and swing them downwards. This will also lose the extra fat of your hands and you will not get any injury.

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Weighted Walk: Instead of running on the treadmill, walk by carrying weighted dumbbells. This will prevent sprains in the legs and will also prevent stress on the hips. Walk with the dumbbells in your hands at the speed you can. This will gradually reduce your weight.

Stretching: People who are overweight should not do jumping exercises even by mistake. Stretching should be done instead of jumping exercises. Stretching can prove to be very beneficial for you.