
Why do you feel tired all day? Adopt these Ayurvedic methods to fill energy in your body

Britain’s renowned university ‘Loughborough University’ claims that the power of celebration i.e. playing, laughing, celebrating with family can prove beneficial for your health. If we understand the university’s claim in another way, then if you watched an Olympic match for 90 minutes and enjoyed it thoroughly, then you have burnt calories equivalent to a 45-minute run. Anyway, during the monsoon season, people’s physical activity decreases, due to which people gain weight. Its side effect first falls on the muscular and circulatory system of the body. Due to obesity, joint pain and swelling and cramps in the muscles start bothering. Due to excess weight, the muscles do not get proper oxygen, due to which people’s energy becomes low.

During monsoon, when there is more humidity in the air, sodium in the body decreases, due to which muscles start becoming weak and pain in bones and joints increases. If there is already a deficiency of calcium, vitamin D, vitamin B-12 in the body, then the matter can become fatal. On top of this, humidity causes BP imbalance and people start having body pain. Today, let us know about filling oxygen in muscles and veins through yogic practice so that your body remains strong and you can enjoy the monsoon with energy.

Danger from weak muscles



Lack of energy and activity

Risk of bone fracture on falling

Delay in recovery after surgery

Muscle problems
Muscular dystrophy

Swelling in muscles
Body imbalance

How to overcome muscle weakness?

7 Reasons Why You Feel Tired After Eating

Exercise daily

Eat food rich in vitamin D

Drink 4-5 liters of water a day

Eat Indian gooseberry

Remedies for muscle pain

Walk on foot

Drink milk every day

Eat fresh fruits

Eat green vegetables

Do not sit for long

Reduce obesity

Work out

Avoid junk food

Dangerous disease sarcopenia

7 Ways to Boost Your Energy with Ayurveda – Chopra

Rapid muscle loss

Hand grip weakens

Weight starts decreasing

More than 5 crore patients in the world

20 crore people will be victims in the next 40 years