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If your child has participated in a school function on 15th August, then prepare him in this way, the child will definitely come with an award

In a few days, 15th August i.e. Independence Day is coming. On this occasion, various types of functions are organized in the school. Children give different types of presentations. In such a situation, if your child has also participated in his school on 15th August, then as a parent you can support him in this way. Let’s know how to prepare for your child’s function before 15th August?

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Prepare your child like this before 15th August:

Know the interest of the child: Try to know the interest of your child. If he wants to participate in singing, dancing, reciting poetry or drama on 15th August, then encourage him a lot.

Fix the time for practice: Whatever your child participates in, practice should not be less. Practicing for a long time can bore the child, so make him practice a little bit every day. Make practice like a game, this will also give fun to the child. Encourage your child in every situation.

Right dress and accessories: Buy all the items for the function (if needed) before 15th August. If your child has participated in a dance, then buy comfortable clothes with dress code, shoes of right size and all the things like books, notes, musical instruments so that you don’t have to buy anything at the last moment.

Boost your confidence: Don’t let your child’s morale drop. Praise his hard work. Tell him that everything will be fine. Tell him who all will come to watch his show.

Reduce stage fear: If your child has stage fear, then it is your responsibility to reduce his fear. Make your child practice in front of other family members and not alone. This will remove his fear. Ask your child to take deep breaths, this reduces stress. Also teach him to smile in every situation. Smiling increases confidence.

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Don’t let him take stress: Take special care of your child’s diet and sleep so that he doesn’t take too much stress of the function. Tell him that it is important for him to participate in the function and not to win. Even if he does not win, he will still be as dear to you. Also boost his morale.

Hug him after the function: Whatever be the result of your child’s function, appreciate his efforts. If he won, hug him but even if he lost, encourage him. Tell him to learn from his mistakes and try to do better next time. Remember every child is different. Trying and enjoying is the most important thing.