
Edible Oil Pries: All eating oils become expensive due to low supply and increase in demand, know the latest price

Due to rain, the prices of mustard, soybean, peanut oil-oil (CPO) and Pamolin and cottonseed oil closed strongly in the country’s oil-oilseed markets on Friday amid low supply and demand in the mandis. There is an improvement in Malaysia Exchange. While the Chicago exchanges continue to grow. Sources said that the crushing of the small crushing mills makes the crushing of mustard and they suffer. Only the big brands of raw ghani are buying mustard in expensive and today they have increased the price of mustard by Rs 50 per quintal.

Bitter stock ended
He said that the stock of cottonseed has ended and this time the cottonseed will be 10-15 days late due to rain. Haryana Miliwars have today purchased a bolden seed of Rs 5,100 quintal (record price) from South India, which was Rs 4,850 a week ago. Sources said that soybean is already selling at a price below the minimum support price (MSP). On the other hand, farmers are expecting the market price of two years ago i.e. Rs 6,000 a quintal. Soybean’s new MSP is Rs 4,892 quintal and currently at Rs 4,200-4,300 quintal is also low. The government will have to see that soybean farmers should get the price of MSP at least.

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The prices of oil and tears are as follows:
Mustard oilseeds – Rs 6,225-6,265 per quintal.
Peanut – Rs 6,525-6,800 per quintal.
Peanut oil mill delivery (Gujarat) – Rs 15,500 per quintal.
Peanut refined oil 2,325-2,625 per tin.
Mustard oil Dadri- Rs 12,200 per quintal.
Mustard paved Ghani- Rs 1,955-2,055 per tin.
Mustard Raw Ghani- Rs 1,955-2,080 per tin.
Sesame oil mill delivery – Rs 18,900-21,000 per quintal.
Soybean oil mill delivery Delhi- Rs 10,550 per quintal.
Soybean Mill Delivery Indore- Rs 10,150 per quintal.
Soybean Oil Digam, Kandla- Rs 8,725 per quintal.
CPO X-Kandla- Rs 9,400 per quintal.
Binaula Mill Delivery (Haryana)- Rs 10,000 per quintal.
Pamolin RBD, Delhi- Rs 10,500 per quintal.
Pamolin X-Kandla- Rs 9,700 (without GST) per quintal.
Soybean Dana – Rs 4,610-4,640 per quintal.
Soybean loose- Rs 4,420-4,545 per quintal.
Mecca Khal (Sariska)- Rs 4,175 per quintal.