CyberDost, the social media platform of the Ministry of Home Affairs, said that iPhone users are being sent fake messages of parcels from India Post. In this message, it is being claimed that a parcel of the user is stuck in the warehouse of the postal department.
In the message, the user is told that due to the incomplete delivery address, their parcel is not being delivered to the correct address and they are also given a link to update the complete address.
Actually, the whole game happens with this link sent in the message. As soon as the user clicks on this link, their important information is shared with the online fraudster.
Due to a little carelessness on your part, you can become a victim of a big fraud. Many iPhone users have shared such information on social media, in which they have been cheated like this.
As soon as you receive any such fake message, you should delete this message. By doing this, you can avoid clicking on this fake link even by mistake.