
Baba Ramdev tells us why Laughing Therapy is important for a healthy body and mind.

Laughing is very important because the body gets six times more oxygen while laughing than the amount of oxygen we take while talking. This is the reason why a unique rule has been made in Japan. Now in Japan, everyone will have to laugh at least once a day. Not only at home, the atmosphere of laughter and fun will have to be maintained in the office as well. The eighth day of the month is to be celebrated as Laughter Day. The only effort is that people should remain happy in all circumstances so that stress-tension-loneliness does not affect their health. People are not understanding that in the pursuit of achieving a luxurious life, they have lost their laughter and without laughter, no comfort has any value because worry not only takes you away from people but also becomes the reason for many diseases along with loneliness.

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Swami ji always says that yoga practice releases happy hormones which protect you from negativity. Wherever we are, we do not forget to do yoga. Yoga practice keeps you away from negative emotions. It balances blood pressure and reduces the risk of heart attack by 73%. There are so many benefits of laughing and being happy that you will get tired counting them. According to a study, it increases the healing power of the body. Positive thinking increases immunity by 52%. It means that only by being cheerful can we face problems in a better way. So, how to remain happy in all circumstances, learn this from yoga guru Swami Ramdev.

How to remain happy? Help others

Do stretching for 10 seconds every hour

Keep smiling pictures of your loved ones in front of you

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Eating sweets increases happiness

Control increased aggression

Take a short walk

Do yoga every day

Do meditation

Take deep breaths

Listen to music

Sleep well

Anger is dangerous – be careful

Understand the pattern of anger

Do not lose your temper in anger

Learn self-control

Identify the symptoms of anger

Try these remedies – get rid of tension

Drink milk mixed with turmeric

Shilajit with milk is beneficial

Healthy mind with Panchkarma

Detox the body

Cleaning in 5 ways

Cleaning the body from inside

Purify with Ayurvedic medicine

Brain will remain healthy – drink juice daily

Aloe vera

