
Be careful! By 2050, there will be 100 crore arthritis patients, know from Baba Ramdev the surefire remedy to get rid of joint pain

100 crore, yes 100 crore is not the population of any country, but this is the figure that should alert the whole world. Otherwise, in the coming few years, every eighth person in the world will be roaming around with a damaged body structure. It is possible that many will be confined to bed or a wheel chair. We are not scaring you, we are waking you up. We are asking you to open your eyes, because arthritis, which people consider a minor pain, is becoming dangerous day by day. Now you can test yourself and estimate your fitness. You can know whether your joints are working properly or causing pain.

Do this test at home for joint pain
The easiest way to test joints is to do sit-ups. You have to do 10 sit-ups with your hands in front in 10 seconds. If you can do it easily then your knees are fine. If you are not able to do it or those who are having pain in their knees or back, they should definitely get a test done for arthritis once.

Baba Ramdev: IMA demands action against Ramdev for remarks on allopathy;  Patanjali clarifies | India News - Times of India

Arthritis patients will reach 100 crores by 2050

According to a study, arthritis patients have increased by 132% in the last 30 years. Patients suffering from pain in neck, back, back, knees have increased from 25 crores to more than 60 crores now. This figure is expected to reach 100 crores by 2050. In that too 15% i.e. more than 15 crores patients will be young people of 30 years of age. The biggest reason for this is less physical activity. Therefore it is important that you do yoga and exercise from now and make your joints strong.

Arthritis disease is heavy on youth
Sitting in one posture
Bad food habits
Excess weight
Vitamin D deficiency
Calcium deficiency
Avoidance is necessary for joint pain

Ayurvedic Treatment of Arthritis (Painful Joints)
Processed food
Gluten food
Excess sugar-salt
Beware of joint pain
Do not let weight increase
Avoid smoking
Keep posture correct
Bones will become strong
Increase calcium in food
Drink 1 cup of milk
Drink apple cider vinegar
Take cinnamon-honey in lukewarm water
Gout pain will get relief
Massage with lukewarm mustard oil
Tie a hot bandage on the place of pain
Add rock salt in lukewarm water and foment it
Arthritis patients should be careful
Do not take tea-coffee
Do not eat tomatoes
Reduce sugar
Avoid eating fried food
Keep weight under control