
Eat boiled green gram choliya in breakfast in the morning, the body will be filled with strength, the body will become solid

Make gram a part of your diet. You can eat gram in any form. You can eat roasted gram, boiled gram or even raw and green gram. Although people use raw gram as a vegetable, but you can also eat it by boiling it in breakfast in the morning. Some people also call green gram choliya. Its season is winter, but it is now available in rain and summer as well. This gram is rich in vitamins, minerals and proteins. Eating green gram provides ample nutrition to the body. From strengthening immunity to controlling blood sugar, this green gram is beneficial in many diseases. Know the benefits of eating green gram every morning.

Nutrients in green gram

Green gram is considered the best among plant based foods. It is a storehouse of nutrients. Eating green gram provides the body with plenty of protein, vitamin A, vitamin C and vitamin E. Green gram contains B1, B2, B3 and B5, B6 of Vitamin B-complex, apart from this vitamin K is also found. Eating gram provides minerals like fiber, iron, phosphorus, sodium, magnesium, potassium, selenium, calcium. It contains low calories, fats, carbohydrates, dietary fiber and fatty acids.

9 Reasons to Include Green Gram or Hara Chana in Your Winter Diet | - Times  of India

Benefits of eating green gram in breakfast

Increase immunity- Eating green gram strengthens immunity. It contains all the necessary vitamins and nutrients to make the body strong. By eating green gram, you can avoid the risk of any infection.

Benefit in diabetes- Green gram is rich in dietary fiber, which can normalize the blood sugar level. It helps in controlling type 2 diabetes. By eating green gram, glucose and lipid profile in the blood can be controlled.

Digestion will remain healthy- Cholia i.e. green gram is rich in fiber. Eating it improves the digestive system and relieves constipation. Eating green gram keeps the stomach healthy.

Beneficial for eyes- Green gram is rich in vitamin A which helps in increasing your eyesight. Apart from this, it also protects from stress. Vitamins that cure other eye problems are also found in it.