
Giloy leaf becomes the killer of these diseases, know how to use it and what are the benefits

Giloy plant grows rapidly during rainy days. Giloy vine starts growing easily in any pot, bowl or in the ground. Giloy is considered an important herb in Ayurveda. Consuming Giloy increases immunity. Apart from this, Giloy is used in the treatment of diseases like fever, infection and diabetes. The scientific name of Giloy is Tinospora cordifolia, it is also called Guduchi and Amritavalli or Amrita in Sanskrit. Giloy was used a lot during the Corona period. Let us know in which diseases Giloy proves beneficial?

Giloy is effective in these diseases
Skin infection
Urinary problems
Giloy is an immunity booster

Boosting immunity to controlling blood sugar levels, incredible health  benefits of Giloy – India TV
According to Acharya Shri Balkrishna, Giloy is rich in antioxidant effects, which prevent oxidative cell damage. Giloy also contains some compounds that help fight breast cancer, prostate cancer and ovarian cancer cells. By consuming Giloy, the body develops the ability to fight any allergy. Giloy also has anti-aging properties. For this, grind the stem of Giloy and make a powder and consume it with water and honey. This can reduce the risk of digestive problems, many infections, urinary problems and water-borne diseases. When you consume Giloy in the form of herbal extract, it strengthens the liver. It helps in relieving increasing stress, cold and eye problems. Giloy also helps in increasing the platelet count in the body. Giloy is also used in Ayurveda to treat diseases like polycystic ovarian syndrome.

How to consume Giloy
If you want, you can boil fresh leaves of Giloy in water and drink it. Giloy juice is also available in the market. You can make a decoction by boiling the stem of Giloy in water and drink it. You can also store Giloy wood by drying it. During rainy days, it would be better if you chew and eat Giloy leaves like this.