
Hair Loss Problem: Why does hair start falling after pregnancy, how can this problem be solved?

Are you also troubled by the problem of hair loss after pregnancy? You have taken many types of medicines for this, but are not getting relief, so now you do not need to worry. You can also get relief by trying these home remedies. In many cases, these can stop hair fall.

Egg and olive oil helps

If your hair has started falling a lot after pregnancy and due to working, you are not able to take out much time for this, then this tip can be very useful for you. You have to take an egg, whose white part has to be separated. Add three teaspoons of olive oil to it and mix it well. Now leave this mix on the head for about 30 minutes. After this, wash the hair with cold water. This will make your hair soft and strong. At the same time, the scalp will also get nourishment.

What Causes Hair Loss in Women? - GoodRx

It is important to massage the head daily
During pregnancy, you must massage the head daily. This increases blood circulation in the scalp. Also, the hair becomes long, thick and strong. For this, you have to take lukewarm oil and massage the hair daily with it. During this, the oil has to be applied to the roots of the hair. This massage should be done for at least five minutes with the help of fingers. This type of massage also gives a lot of relaxation to the mind. If you use mustard oil for massage, then it is more beneficial.

Amla also has a lot of benefits

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If we talk about hair nutrition, then Amla is also said to be very beneficial in Ayurveda. Amla has been used for years to make hair black, thick and strong. You can also use Amla if you fall hair during pregnancy. All you have to do is add Amla juice to your diet. Apart from this, you can also massage the head with Amla. For this, you have to boil the amla in oil till it turns black. After this, if you massage the hair roots with this oil, you will get a lot of benefits.

Bhringraj prevents hair fall

10 Natural Remedies to Stop Hair Fall
If you want to prevent hair fall, then Bhringraj can help you a lot. If you are wondering where to find Bhringraj, then you can buy it from the herbal shop or grocery shop near your house. You have to take a handful of Bhringraj leaves, which you have to grind to make a paste. Mix this paste in milk and apply it on the hair, which will stop hair fall.