
Has joint pain taken your life? These food items will strengthen your bones and also get rid of joint pain

If you also think that the problem of joint pain is faced only with increasing age, then you should get rid of this misconception. Actually, the problem of joint pain can arise due to weakness of bones, that is, you can become a victim of joint pain at any age. If you want to say goodbye to this problem, then you should include some food items in your diet.

14 Foods to Reduce Joint Pain | UNC Cary Orthopaedics

Calcium rich foods are important

According to health experts, it is very important to consume calcium rich food items to strengthen bones. However, you should include some other nutrients in the diet along with calcium. To strengthen your bone health, you can make nutrient-rich milk a part of your diet in any way.

How should it be consumed?

Best Food for Strong Bones and Joints

If you want to get rid of the problem of joint pain as soon as possible, then you should consume figs with milk. The combination of these two things can improve your bone health to a great extent. Apart from this, green leafy vegetables like kale, spinach and mustard greens can also prove to be effective in strengthening your bones.

You can include non-vegetarian in the diet
If you are a non-vegetarian, then you can also include vitamin D and omega-3 rich fatty fish in your diet. Apart from this, dry fruits like almonds rich in calcium and vitamin D can also reduce your joint pain to a great extent. Make such things a part of your diet and say goodbye to joint pain forever.