
Have dinner this many hours before sleeping, otherwise these stomach related problems will trouble you all night, your condition will become bad

Many people have the habit of eating late at night. Some people come late from office, so due to this they eat late at night, some people have more breakfast in the evening and dinner at night. Let us tell you that if you are eating late at night under any circumstances, then it is very harmful for your health. Let us tell you how many hours before sleeping you should have dinner and if you do not do this, then which diseases can your body fall prey to?

Eating late at night can cause these stomach related problems:
If you eat after 10 pm at night, then it can cause many stomach problems. Actually, eating late dinner can make you a victim of gastroesophageal reflux i.e. acid reflux. In this, the acid or bile of the stomach comes into the food pipe. Due to which there is a complaint of indigestion and heartburn. Along with this, it also triggers stomach related problems like bloating, gas, indigestion or dyspepsia.

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These other problems also occur due to eating dinner late at night:

Digestive problems: Eating dinner late at night has a bad effect on the digestive system, which increases the risk of constipation and acidity. Food eaten late is not digested properly, which causes acidity.

Sleep problems: Those who eat dinner late at night do not fall asleep quickly and they keep turning in bed for several hours. In such a situation, the reason for not getting sleep can be eating dinner late at night.

Weight gain: Eating dinner late at night slows down the metabolism, which directly affects your weight. Slow metabolism is not able to work as effectively in burning calories, due to which weight starts increasing.

Sleeping After Eating: Know The Right Time for Dinner and Ways to Curb  Midnight Pangs - News18

How many hours before sleeping should you eat?

Dinner should be taken 3 to 4 hours before sleeping at night. This helps in digesting your food easily. You should also walk for half an hour after eating. This will keep you away from all the problems mentioned above.