
Heart can become weak with increasing age, it is important to pay attention to these things to keep it strong

If you do not want to become a victim of heart related diseases, then you should focus on keeping your lifestyle and diet plan healthy. Actually, due to bad lifestyle and following a diet plan, people often become victims of fatal diseases related to the heart. By making some habits a part of your daily routine, you can improve your heart health to a great extent.

Heart Health and Aging | National Institute on Aging

Physical activity is important
If you do not take out time for physical activity from your schedule, then you should be careful. Due to not exercising at all, your heart health can be damaged to a great extent. If you want to stay away from heart related diseases, then definitely include yoga or exercise or any kind of physical activity in your daily routine.

Make the diet plan healthy-balanced
To avoid serious diseases like heart attack in old age, you should follow a healthy and balanced diet plan from youth. Eat home-cooked food instead of junk food. You can strengthen your heart health by including green vegetables, beans, oats, quinoa and brown rice in your diet. Your diet can have a good or bad effect on your heart health.

Why are young adults getting heart attacks these days? - Times of India

Avoid excess sugar/salt
If you want to improve your heart health, then you should also avoid consuming excess salt and sugar. High sodium or high sugar food items can badly damage your heart health as well as your overall health. Apart from this, you should consume food items containing healthy fats and avoid including food items containing unhealthy fats in your diet.