
Jaundice can be life threatening, know from the doctor which symptoms should not be ignored even by mistake

You must have heard a lot about jaundice. Jaundice is not a disease but a symptom of a disease. Just like fever occurs when there is an infection or disease in the body. Fever can be a symptom of that disease. Similarly, jaundice can occur due to many diseases in the body. How serious jaundice can be depends on its cause. Like 60 percent of the symptoms of jaundice are found in new born babies. Which is physiological is not very serious. Children get cured from this in a few days. There can be many reasons for jaundice in the youth. What are the symptoms of jaundice? When can jaundice become dangerous? How can we avoid jaundice? Let us know from Senior Doctor R.S. Mishra of Fortis Hospital.

According to Doctor Mishra, the simplest reason for jaundice can be hepatitis, in this too hepatitis A and E which is caused by food. There is a greater risk of jaundice due to this. Hepatitis A and E are not very serious. In this, the patient gets cured in 4-5 weeks. Whereas hepatitis B and C are more dangerous. Jaundice caused by hepatitis B and C can last for a long time and the patient can go into a state of chronic hepatitis. In such a situation, liver failure can also occur. Due to which the patient can also die.

Adult Jaundice: What It Is, Symptoms, Causes & Treatment

Other causes of jaundice

If there is a stone somewhere and it slips down from the gallbladder, then it can cause jaundice.

Many types of cancer can also be the cause of jaundice, such as jaundice can occur in case of gallbladder cancer.

The risk of jaundice also increases significantly in pancreatic cancer, due to which many people lose their lives.

Sometimes jaundice can also occur in the body due to infection or some medicines.

Now it depends on your cause how serious your jaundice can be.

These symptoms are seen when jaundice occurs

First of all, the patient gets fever.

Appetite decreases.

Eyes turn yellow.

Urine colour starts turning yellow.

Jaundice: Symptoms, Causes, Diagnosis, and Treatment

Itching may start.

Nausea and vomiting start.

The patient feels very tired and weak.

How can one avoid jaundice?

There is a risk of hepatitis A and E from water and food during monsoon. For this, it is important that you drink clean RO water. Eat clean and freshly prepared food. Avoid eating raw things. Drink boiled water in this season. Hepatitis B and C are parenteral or sexually transmitted. Sometimes this can happen due to repeated use of the same injection. This also happens due to blood.