
Just walking will not do the job, the workout should be such that you break into a sweat even while speaking

Walking is recommended for fitness, but just walking is not enough for the youth. You need to do a workout at such a level when you are not able to speak a complete sentence. That is, you feel so tired and breathless that you are not able to speak a complete sentence easily and you have to stop in the middle. Your body needs such an intense workout. If you think that just a few minutes of walk is enough to stay fit, then it is wrong. Unless you do a good workout, all the parts of your body will not work properly.

The Mental Health Benefits of Exercise -

According to health experts, our body is like a machine. If it keeps running, it will last longer. Just like a machine starts to deteriorate slowly when it is turned off or is activated sometimes, similarly our body also starts to loose its fitness by doing less physical work. The risk of many types of diseases in the body starts increasing rapidly. Therefore, you must do a high intensity workout for some time every day.

Just walking is not enough for the youth
Some people consider only walking to be good for staying fit and just walk daily. If you are young then you need high intensity workouts. Walking is not enough for the youth. According to doctors, the youth should do such a level of exercise in which they cannot speak a full sentence at once after finishing the workout. That is, you have to stop in between and take a breath to complete a sentence. You should take your workout to this level. The youth should workout like this for about 45 minutes daily.

11 Workout Tips to Make Your Exercises More Effective From Expert Trainers  | SELF

People of this age should walk
Walking has many benefits, but after 70 years you can maintain your fitness only by walking. Before that you should do jogging or running. This will improve your overall health. Heart, liver, kidneys and other parts of the body will remain fit. Jogging or running daily reduces the risk of heart attack. This keeps blood sugar under control. Doing workouts helps in getting good sleep and you feel energetic throughout the day.