
Meditation before sleeping will relieve stress, you will get enough sleep, you will get these other health benefits

Nowadays people are falling prey to mental diseases rapidly. The reason for this is overwork load, stress and lack of sleep! In such a situation, meditation is very beneficial in maintaining mental health and preventing depression. But not everyone can meditate in the morning. If you are also one of those people, then let us tell you that you can also meditate before sleeping at night. By meditating at night, you can easily relieve the stress and anxiety of the whole day. Let us tell you what are the benefits of meditating at night?

These are the benefits of meditating at night:

How to Meditate in Bed | The Best Ways to Meditate To Sleep - Healium

It gives better sleep: If you do not fall asleep early at night and you scroll your mobile instead of sleeping, then it is better that you meditate before sleeping at night. Meditating before sleeping can give you relaxation. Regular practice of meditation relieves stress and improves the quality of sleep. Practicing meditation before sleeping at night reduces anxiety, restlessness and gives you better sleep.

Relieves stress: People who take a lot of stress should meditate regularly. Actually, when we feel stressed, our body releases hormones like adrenaline, cortisol which can push us into depression. In such a situation, regular meditation reduces the level of cortisol and increases alpha brain wave (state of relaxation).

Brain becomes sharp: Meditation increases blood flow in the hippocampus region of the brain. Meditating continuously for eight weeks can really bring changes in the brain. So if you are not able to meditate in the morning, then do it at night.

Reduces depression: Meditation increases your emotional health, refocuses your attention, and reduces negative thinking that can promote depression and anxiety.