
Repeated urine infection during pregnancy increases the risk of premature delivery, know from the doctor how to protect yourself?

Women are at a very high risk of urinary infection during pregnancy and the highest risk is in the first trimester. According to a research, 41% of urinary infections during pregnancy occur in the first trimester. The highest probability of infection is between 6 weeks to 3 months of pregnancy. It is important to understand this danger so that the harm to the mother and the child can be minimized through timely treatment.

Make sure to get a urine culture test done
Understanding this danger, Dr. Sonam Gupta advises that whether there are symptoms of urinary infection or not, urine culture test should be done compulsorily in the first trimester of pregnancy. This can detect the presence of bacteria in the urine and not only can the bacteria be eliminated with timely medication, but the possibility of symptomatic urinary infection or kidney infection can also be eliminated.

UTI in pregnancy: Causes, risks, and treatments

Take medicines as per doctor’s advice

Medicines for urinary infection should be taken only as per doctor’s advice. Because the medicines given during pregnancy are different. For the treatment of urinary infection in the first trimester, doctors give only such medicines which do not have any negative effect on the health of the child. Also, before prescribing the medicine, the doctor takes the decision keeping in mind the history of urinary infection in the woman and the body’s immunity.

What Is a Urinary Tract Infection (UTI)? Symptoms, Causes, Diagnosis,  Treatment, and Prevention

Let us tell you that these dangers can also be reduced by being careful and disciplined in lifestyle. Drinking at least 8 glasses of water a day, washing thoroughly after urinating, wearing clean and soft cotton underwear, avoiding wearing very tight clothes and avoiding alcohol, oily and spicy food and beverages with high caffeine content which put pressure on the bladder – these are some precautions that can reduce the risk of urinary infection. Along with this, one should avoid using public toilets and pay special attention to the cleanliness of the toilet at home.