
These vitamins and minerals are essential for teeth, as soon as there is a deficiency, teeth will start falling, take care like this

Nowadays, bad diet is affecting our entire health. Due to lack of nutrients in food, dental problems are also increasing. Many vitamins and minerals are needed to keep teeth healthy. As soon as these nutrients disappear from the food, teeth breakage, falling and cavities and many other problems surround us. Especially in children, dental problems have increased a lot. Therefore, it is important to take special care of the diet. Today we are telling you about the vitamins and minerals necessary for teeth. Do include them in your diet.

Vitamin and minerals necessary for teeth

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Calcium- Calcium is an essential mineral to keep teeth healthy. Everyone knows that calcium should be eaten to make bones and teeth strong. Actually, tooth enamel is mainly made up of calcium. Due to lack of calcium in the body, the enamel layer starts weakening and tooth decay can occur.

Vitamin D- Vitamin D is needed for the body to absorb calcium properly. Due to which teeth become strong. That is, taking calcium alone will not be effective. Along with this, consume a diet rich in vitamin D. Send children to play in the sun for some time every day.

Vitamin C- Apart from your overall health, vitamin C is also necessary to keep teeth healthy. Vitamin C is necessary to keep your gums healthy. When the gums are strong, the teeth will remain in them for a long time. Apart from this, vitamin C helps in keeping all the soft tissues of the mouth strong. This reduces gum related diseases.

Best Vitamins And Minerals For Teeth - Bradford Family Dentistry

Phosphorus- Apart from calcium and vitamin D, phosphorus is also an important mineral for teeth. Phosphorus is found in large quantities in the body teeth. Calcium needs phosphorus to strengthen the enamel of teeth. Therefore, feed protein-rich foods rich in phosphorus to children.

Potassium- Potassium is also an important mineral to strengthen teeth. This helps in keeping the gums healthy and keeping the teeth properly attached to the gums. When a tooth breaks or gets hurt, potassium is the only thing that works. It also helps the gum tissues to heal quickly.