
This disease becomes a big obstacle in becoming a mother, know what are the symptoms of PCOS and how can women avoid it?


PCOS has become a very common disease in women. Stress and lifestyle are considered to be the main reason for this disease related to hormones. Many times doctors also consider it genetic. The most serious thing about PCOS is that it is also considered a lifestyle disease like sugar, blood pressure. Once this disease occurs, it cannot be completely cured. However, it can be managed to a great extent with medicine, diet and exercise. What are the symptoms of PCOS, why does this disease occur, and if it occurs, how to balance it? Let’s know.

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PCOS means Polycystic Ovary Syndrome, in which cysts or small lumps are formed in the ovaries. This problem has increased rapidly in women in the last few years. According to the data, this disease has become so serious that out of every 10 women in the country, 4 women suffer from PCOS. Due to the increasing cases of PCOS, a PCOS awareness campaign is run every year in September. So that women can know well about this disease and can prevent it.

What is PCOS problem?

This is a hormone-related disease, due to which small lumps are formed in the uterus of women, which are also called cysts. The most common symptoms of PCOS are not getting periods on time, changes in the period cycle, periods coming in a long time. Also, having more hair on the face, acne and obesity are its main symptoms. This problem occurs most often in young girls to the age of 30 years.

PCOS creates obstacles in becoming a mother

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PCOS has the worst effect on fertility. Actually, periods are irregular in PCOS and this affects the reproduction organ, due to which there may be a problem in getting pregnant if there is PCOS disease. There is no concrete reason for this disease, but according to doctors, stress, leading a bad lifestyle and sometimes genetic reasons can also cause PCOS.

How to avoid PCOS
If your periods are irregular, you have excess facial hair, acne and obesity, then you must consult a doctor about this disease. Doctors can diagnose this disease with the help of blood test and ultrasound. In case of PCOS, change your routine along with taking the medicines prescribed by the doctor. You must do physical activity daily. You can reduce this disease by taking a healthy diet, getting enough sleep on time and staying away from stress. Apart from this, it is also important to adopt a healthy lifestyle to maintain PCOS.