
This hilly vegetable is the death of diabetes, it will control the increased sugar level quickly, it is full of medicinal properties

Nowadays diabetes has become a common disease. This disease which occurs with increasing age is now troubling the younger people the most. It becomes difficult to control the blood sugar level in diabetes. A sugar patient has to include such things in his diet so that blood sugar can be easily controlled. For this, a hilly vegetable Ramkarela proves to be effective. Ramkarela is a vegetable found in the hills, which people also call sweet bitter gourd. Some people also know it by the name of Parbal. Ramkarela is a vegetable full of many medicinal properties. It works as a medicine especially for diabetes patients. Know what is the benefit of eating Ramkarela and how it proves beneficial in diabetes?

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According to dietitian Swati Singh, the glycemic index of Ramkarela is very low. In such a situation, this vegetable helps in controlling blood sugar in diabetes. If your blood sugar is on the boundary line, then you must include this vegetable in your plate. Ram bitter gourd is full of fiber and polypeptide properties. The amount of iron in this vegetable is very high. Apart from increasing immunity, regular consumption of Ram bitter gourd improves insulin.

How to make Ram bitter gourd vegetable?

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Ram bitter gourd comes in the month of September-October. It has small thorns on top. This bitter gourd is not bitter at all to eat. People also use it for soup and juice. You can make Ram bitter gourd vegetable just like normal bitter gourd. People in the mountains also eat Ram bitter gourd chutney with fondness. You must make this vegetable a part of your diet.

Other benefits of Ram bitter gourd

Eating Ram bitter gourd not only controls blood sugar. It also removes the lack of blood in the body. Eating Ram bitter gourd also reduces obesity. This vegetable is rich in antioxidant properties. Which are beneficial for the skin and work as anti-aging.