
To strengthen bones, do this exercise for 15 minutes every day, body fat will start to reduce

In a healthy and strong body, it is most important for bones to be strong. It becomes difficult to walk even when there is pain or weakness in the bones. Nowadays, due to bad lifestyle and eating, the body does not get the necessary nutrients, which also affects our body and bones. There is a deficiency of calcium, vitamin D and minerals in the body. Due to which the problem of bones increases. Many times this causes fracture in the bones. Weak bones can also cause the problem of osteoporosis. Therefore, to strengthen the bones, definitely follow a diet and do some exercise. Know which exercise should be done to make bones strong.

Exercise to strengthen bones

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Climbing and descending stairs – Climbing and descending stairs becomes difficult as you age, but if your bones are strong, then you can climb stairs at any age. For this, you should climb and descend 1-2 floors of stairs daily. This will strengthen the bones. Make it a habit to climb stairs instead of the lift. This will also keep your weight under control.

Cycling- Most cardio exercises strengthen bones. For this you can do cycling. Cycling strengthens the legs and also reduces fat from the lower body. Cycling will strengthen the bones and give strength to your whole body.

Jogging and running- People who jog or run daily have strong bones. This reduces weight and maintains the flexibility of the body. Jogging is a very beneficial and effective exercise for health. It also strengthens the legs.

Rope skipping- Rope skipping is a great fitness cardio exercise. You can do it easily at home. Just 15 minutes of rope skipping exercises your hands, legs and whole body. Rope skipping strengthens the bones and also reduces weight rapidly.