
When high uric acid increases, bones start cracking, the risk of these serious diseases increases; know how to prevent it?

Uric acid is found in all of our bodies, which the kidney filters out. But, when its quantity starts increasing in the body, then the kidney is unable to filter it out. In such a situation, uric acid starts accumulating in the joints in the form of crystals, due to which there is pain in the joints and knees, pain in the heel and swelling. Let us tell you, uric acid increases only when we consume more purine in our diet and do not exercise regularly. Our spoiled lifestyle is the biggest reason for this disease. In such a situation, people can fall prey to heart, kidney and liver related diseases due to the problem of high uric acid. Let us know which diseases can occur when uric acid increases and how to protect yourself?

These diseases can occur when uric acid increases:

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Arthritis – Arthritis increases very fast in a patient with high uric acid. Uric acid starts accumulating in the joints in the form of crystals, which causes joint pain and swelling.

Stones – With the increase in uric acid, the problem of kidney stones also increases rapidly. Actually, crystals of uric acid cause stones. In stones, these crystals get deposited in the urinary tract.

Type 2 Diabetes – When uric acid increases, insulin is also affected, which increases the risk of type 2 diabetes manifold.

Blood Pressure: When uric acid increases, blood pressure starts getting high, which increases the possibility of heart diseases and stroke rapidly.

Follow these tips to reduce uric acid

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Drink as much water as possible so that uric acid does not accumulate in the body. Keep your body hydrated.

To control uric acid, show the way out to purine-rich foods from the diet.

Weight gain also triggers this problem, so keep your weight under control.

Physical exercise can help reduce uric acid levels, so exercise daily:

Include foods in your diet that can help reduce uric acid, such as: cherries, berries, citrus fruits, foods rich in vitamin C

Stress can increase the production of uric acid, so reduce stress and get enough sleep.