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Bone and joint pain increases rapidly during the rainy season… Know from the experts what is the reason behind this?

In this rainy season, many people are complaining of stiffness in the body and unbearable pain in the bones. People get upset due to bone and muscle pain as soon as they wake up in the morning. Actually, this problem related to bones occurs due to rainy season. Dr. Neeraj Godara, Consultant in Hand, Wrist and Reconstructive Microsurgery at Max Super Specialty Hospital, New Delhi, is telling us why people have bone and joint pain during the rainy season and what should you do to prevent it?

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What are the reasons for bone pain during the rainy season:

Change in temperature: Sudden change in temperature triggers diseases like joint pain, arthritis. Due to change in temperature, the surrounding environment is affected, which reduces the air pressure on the body. This causes the tissues to expand and pressure is created inside the body, which causes pain and stiffness in the body.

Due to increase in humidity: Humidity is very high during rainy season. Due to high humidity, the pressure of air around us is reduced. In such a situation, when the air hits the bones, the stiffness of the bones increases. People suffering from arthritis are more prone to this.

Less sunlight: There is less sunlight during the rainy season, due to which people suffer from vitamin D deficiency. The lack of calcium and vitamin D in the body has the greatest effect on our bones, due to which there can be a problem of swelling and pain in the bones.

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Not doing exercise: Due to not doing exercise during the rainy season, people also become victims of bone-related problems rapidly. Actually, due to rain, people do not go out for a walk and do less exercise. In such a situation, the stiffness of the muscles increases due to which there is pain in the joints.

Protect yourself like this:
To get rid of bone pain during the rainy season, do yoga, swimming and some flexible exercises regularly. After waking up in the morning, first of all you should drink some lukewarm water and then do exercise which increases blood circulation. If there is a lot of pain and stiffness in the body, then take special care of your diet. Increase the amount of calcium and vitamin D in your diet. Drink as much water as possible. Apply hot and cold packs.