Life Style

Bunches of hair are coming out of your head too… Are you also a victim of Alopecia; know the symptoms and prevention measures?

These days people’s hair fall is happening rapidly. People are becoming bald at a young age. Let us tell you, if your hair is falling more than normal then you should be careful. If your hair is falling in bunches then it is possible that you are suffering from alopecia. In this condition, hair fall continues to increase and round patches start forming on the scalp which is called alopecia areata. Men suffering from alopecia have hair falling from the front and sides. At the same time, the hair in the middle of the head of women starts falling. In such a situation, let us tell you why people become victims of alopecia and what should you do to prevent it?

Symptoms of alopecia

All about hair loss, prevention and its treatment - Times of India

Weakening of hair

Men can become completely bald

Falling of hair of moustache, beard and eyelashes

Women do not become completely bald

Falling of hair from places on the head

White spots and lines appear on the head

What causes alopecia?

Hair Loss (Alopecia): Causes, Symptoms, and Regrowth Options

When the immune system attacks the hair follicles, then people have to face the problem of alopecia. In such a condition, hair starts breaking and falling from the head. Actually, alopecia is an autoimmune disease in which the immune system of the body starts attacking the hair follicles. In this condition, the hair of the head falls completely.

How to protect yourself from alopecia?

There is no such treatment for alopecia that cures it completely. But you can treat it with the help of steroid injections, cortisone tablets, laser and light therapy treatment in mild patchy alopecia. By trying these treatments, you can slow down hair loss in the future.

Use these things for hair too:
You can also try some home remedies to get rid of alopecia. Like applying onion juice on the scalp, using fenugreek in coconut oil, adding curry leaves and kalonji to onion and applying it on the head