Life Style

Eating early at night not only reduces weight, you get these amazing benefits, try it for 1 month

There is a right time to eat from breakfast to dinner. Eating at any time does not give the body the benefits that eating on time gives. Especially people delay dinner a lot. There are very few people who do not eat or drink anything after sunset in the evening. It is said in Ayurveda that you should eat after sunrise and before sunset. Food consumed at this time benefits the body. But nowadays people have developed the habit of eating late at night. People eat dinner at 9-10 pm which is not right. Whereas eating early dinner reduces obesity and also gives many other benefits to the body.

What is the right time to have dinner?
The right time to eat is that you should have breakfast 2 hours after waking up in the morning. You should have breakfast between 8 and 9 am. It is good to have lunch between 1-2 pm. You should have dinner by 7 pm. If you are getting late, do not have dinner after 8 pm.

Benefits of eating early

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Weight loss- When you eat on time, the body uses that food better. Due to which your metabolism is fast. This food is easily digested and also gives energy to the body. Eating early also burns calories, which makes it easier to lose weight.

Improves digestion- When you keep a gap between eating and sleeping, the food is easily digested. But eating late at night and then sleeping does not digest the food. This can cause problems like stomach ache, gas, swelling in the stomach. Eating late does not digest the food.

Beneficial in diabetes- Diabetes patients should eat food on time. When you eat food early, the body has time to convert food into glucose. This helps in controlling diabetes. Eating late is not good for diabetes patients.

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Improvement in sleep- When you eat late and fall asleep, the digestion process starts after eating. Due to which the process of falling asleep is interrupted. Eating on time digests the food before sleeping. Due to which you get good sleep.

Improvement in heart health- Many times, eating late does not digest the food, which can cause heartburn. In such a situation, the food lying in the stomach also causes gas and acidity. Due to which the risk of heart related diseases also increases. That is why doctors always recommend eating on time.