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For pink and velvety lips, follow these home remedies of grandmothers, make scrub at home like this, the effect will be visible in a few weeks

Dry and lifeless lips often reduce the beauty of your face. If you also want to make your lips pink and soft, then you should learn to make natural scrub for your lips. Chemical free lip scrubs made at home can prove to be helpful in removing the dryness of your lips and making them soft. Let’s know about the method of making lip scrub.

Make lip scrub with honey and sugar

To make a lip scrub, first of all put one spoon of honey and one spoon of sugar in a bowl and mix both these things well. Let this mixture rest for a while. When the sugar becomes a little soft, then understand that now you can use this lip scrub. You can make this lip scrub a part of your skin care routine twice a week.

Lip Care: Try these home remedies to make lips naturally pinky-soft

The right way to use it

You have to apply this scrub made of honey and sugar on your lips with light hands. Massage your lips with the lip scrub for about one to two minutes and then clean your lips with a wet cloth. To get better results, you can clean the scrub with lukewarm water. Now finally do not forget to apply coconut oil on your lips.

Natural scrub will prove beneficial

By using this lip scrub regularly, you can make your lips soft. This lip scrub has the ability to make dry and lifeless lips pink and soft. All the elements found in honey can improve your skin health to a great extent. This is the reason why it is advised to use honey for the skin since the time of grandmothers.