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If you want to save money, then adopt this secret trick while buying vegetables, the kitchen budget will never fall short

A large part of the kitchen budget is spent on fruits and vegetables for the house. Vegetables are such a thing that are cooked twice a day. In the rainy season, the prices of vegetables are skyrocketing. In such a situation, the entire budget gets spoiled. By the way, most people buy vegetables only once or twice a week. While buying vegetables for a week, many times we buy so many vegetables that we do not even get the turn to cook them. These vegetables either get spoiled while kept in the fridge or they dry up. Therefore, buy vegetables in an economical way. Today we are telling you some such tips by which you can buy vegetables for the whole week at a low price. Know what trick you will have to adopt for this?\

6 tips to keep in mind while buying kitchen grocery

Make a list for the whole week – Often people go to the vegetable shop and buy whatever they like or see something new. Many times they buy so many vegetables that they do not even get the turn to cook. This wastes money and vegetables as well. Therefore, make a list of which vegetable will be cooked on which day in the whole week and then buy only that much vegetables and bring it. This will use up all the vegetables and you will not have to think about what to cook.

Keep stock of these vegetables- Potato, onion, tomato, garlic, ginger are such vegetables which are used in every vegetable. Without them, the taste of the vegetable seems bland. The budget gets spoiled first of all when the price of these things increases. Therefore, buy at least 4-5 kg ​​of potatoes at a time and keep them in the air. They will not get spoiled. You can also buy garlic and onion in stock. Buy tomato and ginger as per 10 days. This will not spoil your budget even if the price of these vegetables increases.

Eat only seasonal vegetables- Always make seasonal vegetables a part of the diet. These vegetables are cheap and fresh. This also gives more benefits to the body and your budget also does not get spoiled. Try, if there is no vegetable, then make different types of vegetables from side vegetables like tomato, onion and potato and eat them. This will maintain both the taste and the budget.

Follow these tips in kitchen to save money | Kitchen Hacks | Food | Foodie  | Manorama English

Adopt different methods of cooking- One should not always adopt the same method for cooking vegetables. You get bored of eating vegetables in this way and sometimes adding onion, tomato, ginger and garlic to every vegetable gives the same taste. It would be better to adopt different methods for cooking vegetables. Sometimes cook vegetables without tomatoes and sometimes without onion and garlic. By this you can reduce the cost of vegetables.