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If your child has entered teenage, then parents should change their way of upbringing

As parents, it is your responsibility that you should not leave any kind of deficiency in the upbringing of your child. But it becomes a little difficult to understand children in teenage. Therefore, while raising your child in teenage, you must follow some parenting tips. If you are not careful in raising your teenage child, then distance can be created between you and your child.

Try to become a friend

Now you should reduce being strict with your child. If you remain too strict, then children will start hiding things from you. Therefore, you should try to become a friend of your child. If you become a friend and teach them to identify right and wrong, then the children will definitely listen to you.

Give freedom to think

Positive discipline for pre-teens & teens | Raising Children Network
When children enter their teenage, you should give them freedom to think. You should not interrupt your child on every matter like before. Because now your child is growing up and due to this habit of yours he can become a victim of irritability. Now give children the freedom to take their own decisions. Which subject they want to study, which field they want to go into or what kind of food they want to eat, you should not force them in such matters.

Do not get irritated with children

During teenage, children not only undergo physical changes. Apart from this, mood swings can also be seen in children due to hormonal changes. Instead of getting irritated with the behavior of children, you should tell them that you will be with them in every situation. If you ever start getting irritated with your child, then remember your teenage years. You will automatically get an idea about the right way to raise your child.