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Prepare this special Desi masala by mixing celery, black salt and asafoetida, constipation will go away

Acidity Home Remedy: It is very important to have a healthy stomach to keep the body healthy. Along with strong metabolism, digestion should also be strong to digest food properly. If seen, nowadays people keep falling prey to stomach related problems due to unbalanced diet. Problems like acidity, bloating, gas, indigestion have become an everyday affair. In such a situation, instead of taking medicine for them, Ayurvedic recipe should be adopted. This Ayurvedic recipe will not only cure your stomach problems, but will also prove beneficial for your health. Let us see today which problems of yours can be cured by the powder of celery, black salt and asafoetida.

5 amazing benefits of using asafoetida for constipation – GoYNG

Special powder is beneficial in stomach related diseases

Mixing a pinch of asafoetida, a pinch of black salt and a little celery together and taking its sip with hot water, many stomach problems disappear. This powder is very effective in removing the problem of gas in the stomach. Since antiseptic and anti-microbial properties are found in these things, this powder provides great relief in gas problems. Many people are troubled by digestive problems despite taking medicines. Such people always have an upset stomach. Such people should regularly eat asafoetida, celery and black salt powder after eating food. This will digest the food properly and the stomach will remain healthy.

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Benefits of asafoetida, celery and black salt

Celery, black salt and asafoetida, all three things boost metabolism and help in melting and removing the extra fat deposited on the body. Therefore, if you want to strengthen the digestive system, then eating this powder will be beneficial and your weight will also not increase. Apart from this, this special powder is also very beneficial to relieve the pain during periods. Let us tell you that taking a sip of this special powder also provides a lot of relief in low blood pressure. Along with this, this powder of celery, asafoetida and salt is very beneficial even in case of cold and cough.