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The stove has turned black due to dirt, follow these effective tips, the gas will start shining

Not taking care of the cleanliness of the kitchen can cause many health problems. Using gas for cooking and not cleaning it regularly gradually leads to accumulation of dirt. Often people sweat a lot in removing the stains of turmeric and oil, but still the gas is not completely clean. Let us know about some ways to clean the greasy blackness accumulated on the gas.

Lemon and salt will prove effective

How to Clean Gas Stove Burners in 7 Steps | KitchenAid

A mixture of lemon and salt can prove effective in cleaning the stubborn stains on your stove. Mix a little salt in lemon juice. Now rub the stove thoroughly with this mixture. After about 20 minutes, clean the gas with a wet cloth and see the positive effect yourself.

You can use vinegar and baking soda

Vinegar and baking soda can prove effective in cleaning the gas. First of all, separate the gas burner and stove. Mix baking soda and vinegar in a bowl and apply it well. Apply this mixture on the stove. To get better results, leave this paste on the stove for 15 minutes. After this, clean the gas with the help of any brush.

Detergent and hot water will prove to be effective

You can also make your gas shine by mixing dishwashing detergent in a little hot water. Apply this mixture well on the stove and then clean the gas with a scrubber. Actually, a mixture of hot water and detergent can prove to be effective in removing the blackness and stubborn grease deposited on the stove.