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These 3 face packs made of honey will bring life to your dry face, lost glow will return in a few weeks

Honey is being used for skin since the time of grandmothers. With the help of honey, you can increase the glow of your skin manifold. Not only this, honey can also prove to be effective in removing skin related problems. Let’s learn to make three such face packs made from honey which can help in increasing the beauty of your skin.


20 Effective Homemade Honey Face Masks For All Skin Types

First of all, put honey and curd in a bowl and mix both these things well. Apply this face pack on your face for about 15-20 minutes and then wash your face and see the positive effect yourself. The combination of honey and curd can prove to be a boon for your face.

After boiling oatmeal in water, leave it to cool. To make a face pack at home, you have to mix one spoon of honey and one spoon of oatmeal. Now you can apply this paste on your face. Believe me, with the help of this natural face pack, the glow of your skin can increase manifold.

18 Best Homemade Face Packs For Dry Skin - Kama Ayurveda

Honey and turmeric are both herbs used since the time of grandmothers. Mix a little turmeric in honey. To get better results, you have to apply this mixture on your face for 15-20 minutes and then wash your face. With the help of this face pack, your skin can be made glowing by removing the stubborn spots on your face.