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These habits of yours can cause the most fights in the relationship, correct them in time or else you may break up

Fights are common in any relationship. But if the partners keep fighting all the time, then gradually cracks start appearing in the relationship. Due to frequent fights, you can also go away from each other forever. It is possible that due to some of your habits, distances are being created between you two. Let us know about some such habits which can break your relationship.

Bringing ego in the middle of the fight

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By always bringing your ego in the middle of the fight, your fight can increase instead of getting solved. To end the fight, both of you will have to keep your ego aside. It may happen that your pride starts dominating your relationship and then you keep regretting later. Even the biggest fights can be solved by talking.

Reacting in haste

Do not react immediately to anything your partner says. This habit of yours can create misunderstandings between the two of you. First listen to your partner’s entire statement calmly and only then react. Reacting in haste without thinking can increase your fights. To make your relationship healthy, both partners should try to become good listeners.

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Stopping the conversation
Stopping the conversation after any fight can make the matter worse. If you also ignore your partner to express your anger, then you should improve this habit of yours. Talking is very important to resolve the fight. Actually, due to ignoring each other, the distance between you two will start increasing.