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Vitamin C serum will make all the spots and blemishes of the face disappear, make it at home and use it like this

Vitamin C removes the spots and blemishes of the face and reduces aging. Vitamin C increases collagen production in the skin. This reduces the problem of swelling and freckles. It is advisable to apply vitamin C serum to reduce pigmentation. Vitamin C serum is considered effective for healing the skin. Different brands of serums are available in the market, if you want, you can easily make vitamin C serum at home. For this you will need some things. Know how you can prepare vitamin C serum at home?

What is needed to make vitamin C serum?

Ascorbic acid powder or vitamin C tablets

2 teaspoons distilled water

Does Vitamin C Serum Get Rid Of Dark Spots - Vitamin C Benefits & How It  Works | Small Batch Serums

Or 2 teaspoons rose water

1 teaspoon glycerin

1 vitamin E capsule

How to make vitamin C serum?

To make vitamin C serum, grind vitamin C powder or tablets and put it in a glass bottle. Now add rose water or distilled water to it. Keep stirring it well until the water and powder are completely mixed. Now add glycerin to it and make a hole in the vitamin E capsule and add oil. Keep mixing all these things. Then keep it aside. Before sleeping at night, take 2-3 drops on the hand and apply it on the entire face with the help of a finger.

When and how should serum be applied?

Everything You Need To Know About Vitamin C Serum For Oily Skin

If you want, you can also apply moisturizer on the face 15 minutes after applying vitamin C serum. Initially, you have to apply this serum in small quantity only. It may cause itching or mild burning sensation on the face. If it feels too much, stop applying it. However, you should apply any such tips or home remedies keeping in mind your skin type.