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Why is it important to protect children from gaming addiction? Game addiction can lead to dire consequences

Parents often take the help of mobile phones to feed their children. If you also do the same with your child, then you should be careful. Actually, due to this habit of yours, your child will get used to using the screen. Not only this, gradually your child can also become a victim of gaming addiction. Let us know about the side effects on the child’s health due to playing games more than necessary.

Online Gaming - The Risks Parents Need to Know | Internet Matters

Mental health is affected badly
Due to playing games all the time, your child’s mental health can be badly affected. Not only this, due to gaming addiction, the child starts being irritable. Apart from playing games, the child is not able to concentrate on any other activity. Apart from this, overuse of the screen can also have a bad effect on the child’s eyes.

Physical health can be damaged
If your child keeps playing games on the phone all the time, then his physical health will gradually start weakening. Due to gaming addiction, the child’s posture will deteriorate at a young age. Excessive use of screen can also increase the chances of getting some diseases. If you want to keep your child’s physical and mental health strong, then try to get your child rid of gaming addiction as soon as possible.

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These tips will prove to be helpful

You have to put a password on your phone or game so that the child cannot play games all the time. Give the child permission to play games only for a short time. Setting a limit on gaming is very important to protect the child from addiction. Apart from this, you have to keep children away from violent games, otherwise your child’s personality will also become angry. You should keep motivating your child to play outdoor games so that he does not get time to play video games.