
Explainer: Which is the most dangerous chemical in the world?

Most Dangerous Chemical: German dictator Hitler used gas chambers to kill Jews. Before that, chemical weapons were used in the First World War as well. In the 20th century, cyanide was also used a lot for suicide. Then during the Cold War, dangerous chemicals like nerve agents came to the fore. Deadly gases like sarin were also used many times. But which is the most dangerous or lethal chemical in the world?

Nerve agents are the most lethal

The answer to this question is not that straightforward. A lot depends on what the lethal dose will be and what effect it will have on you. Usually, nerve agents are considered the most poisonous chemical weapons. They prove to be fatal in very small quantities. Take VX for example. The British military had developed it as a chemical weapon. Just 10 milligrams of VX can kill a person in minutes. It suffocates its victim by paralyzing the breathing muscles.

दुनिया के सबसे ख़तरनाक CHEMICALS | Most Dangerous & Deadliest CHEMICALS in  the WORLD. Part -1

Botox is no less deadly

Botox is widely used in cosmetic surgery. Its full name is Botulinum toxin and it is produced by a bacteria called Clostridium botulinum. It is the most poisonous substance found naturally on earth. Botox blocks the nerve signals to the muscles of our body. A person dies of paralysis.

The gas that causes explosions in water

Chlorine trifluoride, a colorless gas that is terribly reactive. It explodes when it comes in contact with water, sand and even the ashes of previously burnt substances.

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The most deadly chemical

The three substances mentioned above are among the most deadly chemicals in the world. Despite this, the chemicals that cause the most deaths are very common such as bleach and disinfectant. More than 100,000 people in America accidentally consume poison due to these household chemicals.

According to experts, the danger depends on the possibility of you coming in contact with a deadly chemical. Take the knife found in the kitchen. Its edge is sharp and can cut humans along with vegetables. But how we keep the knife and how we use it, decides whether there will be danger or not. The same principle applies in the case of chemicals as well.