
Science News: There is an oxygen factory everywhere on this planet in space, it is called Earth’s twin brother

Space News: The search for oxygen on other planets of the solar system has been going on for a long time. Now the new discovery of scientists has made a shocking claim about the presence of oxygen on Venus. Even though Venus’s atmosphere contains 96% carbon dioxide (CO2), the discovery of German astronomers states that evidence of the presence of oxygen has been found in both the day and night atmosphere of Venus.

Evidence of oxygen on Venus!

This discovery can help us understand the reasons that make Venus’s atmosphere so different from Earth’s atmosphere. It can also be useful for future Venus missions. Earth’s closest neighbor Venus is also almost equal to Earth in size (Earth’s radius is 6,371 km, while Venus’s radius is 6,052 km). In this sense, Earth and Venus are like twin planets. But Venus can be considered an “evil twin”.

Venus’ atmosphere is 96% carbon dioxide (CO2)

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Our beautiful blue planet is covered in an oxygen-rich atmosphere. Venus’ atmosphere is composed of 96% carbon dioxide (CO2), 3.5% molecular nitrogen and trace amounts of other gases such as carbon monoxide, sulfur dioxide, water vapor, argon and helium. It is the densest atmosphere on any rocky planet in the solar system. The pressure of this planet is equal to the pressure found about 900 meters underwater on Earth.

Venus was once similar to Earth

It is believed that Venus’s hot and toxic state is the result of an “uncontrollable greenhouse effect”. Scientists have long theorized that Venus was once similar to Earth. It is even said that there used to be oceans there. But its proximity to the Sun meant that Venus’s oceans evaporated, leaving water vapor in the atmosphere. These molecules were then broken down by ultraviolet radiation, the hydrogen went into space and CO2 accumulated in the atmosphere, leading to the current state of Venus.

Why is Earth called a twin planet? - Quora

Venus rotates very slowly

According to recent studies, the oxygen found in Venus’s atmosphere is formed by the breakdown of CO2 and carbon monoxide (CO) by sunlight during the daytime. It is then transported to the nighttime side by atmospheric circulation. Venus rotates very slowly. A day on Venus lasts 243 Earth days, while the planet revolves around the Sun once every 225 days, meaning a day on Venus is longer than its year.

Highest amount of oxygen 100 km above Venus’s surface

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Earlier studies detected atomic oxygen (molecular oxygen, not O2) in Venus’s night air. It is a dim emission of light by the planet’s atmosphere. The new study analyzed 17 points on both the night and day sides of the planet and found oxygen at all locations. The measurements were taken using a spectrometer on NASA’s Stratospheric Observatory for Infrared Astronomy aircraft. The highest concentration of oxygen was found 100 km above Venus’s surface.