
What is the eligibility for recruitment in Punjab and Haryana High Court, know all the important details including vacancy

Punjab and Haryana High Court recruitment: If you also wish to work in the High Court, then this news is for you. The application process is going on for the recruitment of peon posts in the Punjab and Haryana High Court located in Chandigarh. The application process is going on on the official website. Eligible and interested candidates can apply online through the official website of Punjab and Haryana High Court

Let us inform that the application process for these posts will end on September 20, 2024. Interested candidates should apply by this date.

Vacancy Details
A total of 300 posts will be filled in the organization through this recruitment campaign. These include-

General Category: 243 posts

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SC/ST/BC: 30 posts
Ex-Servicemen: 15 posts
Divyang: 12 posts
What is the eligibility?

Candidates can know about the educational qualification and age limit through the points given below.

Candidates who wish to apply for these posts must have passed minimum middle class and maximum 10+2 from a recognized school education board/recognized school.

Candidates having higher qualifications than the maximum qualification prescribed above will not be eligible for direct recruitment.

The age limit of the candidates applying for this recruitment should be between 18 years to 35 years.

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For more information about the related subject, candidates can visit the official website.

What is the application fee?

The application fee for General and SC/ST/BC of areas/states other than Punjab, Haryana and UT Chandigarh is Rs 700. The application fee for SC/ST/BC, Ex-Servicemen and Disabled Persons of areas/states of Punjab, Haryana and UT Chandigarh is Rs 600. The fee should be paid through online mode. For more related details, candidates can visit the official website of Punjab and Haryana High Court at Chandigarh.